Researchers Tagil region

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Tagil land kept in its underground storerooms priceless wealth, throughout its history, has attracted the attention of prospectors and scientists. Among the first was Dmitry Tumashev who regularly sent petitions to Moscow in the Siberian order on their findings. In 1771 Fizzledowser opened mica Tagil river, "patterned stones at Murzinskaya Sloboda", "emery stone" but the iron ore to Neiva. In the same year Dmitry drove people into "stone mountain" at the neck of the river. But what was then the method of smelting ore to get metal out of magnetite has been difficult, and Wealth Magnet Mountain (High) were not declared to the treasury.

In 1696 Voguls Jacob Savin was declared Magnet Mountain in Tagil River. This date is considered the year of the discovery of wealth Mountain High.

Since then, for three centuries, many large Russian and foreign scientists and travelers visited the Nizhny Tagil.

In the eighteenth century a serious contribution to the study made by the participants of the Urals academic expeditions. At the end of June 1770 in Nizhny Tagil Iron and profit participants of the expedition, led by 27-year-old scientist Peter Simon Palacio, who became one of the greatest scientists HU111 century. He first showed the difference the rocks of the western and eastern slopes of the Urals, contact with rocks of different mineral deposits. In Nizhnetagilskij he described the factory unit of Europe's largest steel plant, Magnet-mount, ore extraction process. He is the discovery of ore at Mount Kachkanar - now the main source of raw materials Evraz NTMK.

May 15, 1829 in the village of Nizhny Tagil Gornozavodsk visited German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, a professor of the University of Berlin - a naturalist, zoologist and geologist H.Erenburg Gustav Rose. The circle of their interests was wide: Mountain High and Mednorudyanskoe field, steam engines, made Cherepanov, Murzinka gems, platinum mines mountain Solovieva.

May 28, 1837 visited the village of Nizhny Tagil, Prince Alexander, the future Tsar Alexander 11. The next day, the prince and his accompanying made a descent into the mine "Reliable" Mednorudyanskogo mine.

In 1848 in Nizhny Tagil Iron and visited a professor at Moscow University, Grigori Shchurovsky, author of "the Ural Mountains in the physical and geographical, geological and mineralogical relations", which contains full information about Tagil factories, mines and mines.

In 1840, in the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil on the contract for ten years worked engineers, surveyors French Bergier and Allori. These experts topographic County survey was carried out and its forest, yes, made precise calculations of forest felling turnover and the annual rate of fuel blanks plants, organized work Nizhny Tagil meteorological observatory, assisted with manning the collection "Muzeum of Natural History and Antiquities", taught topography students Vyisky School, We conducted a large-scale, systematic measurement of the terrain. In 1841, an expedition to the Urals prominent Scottish geologist Roderick Impey Merchison. Main interest Merchisona, French paleontologist E.Verleya, Russian academics and A.A.Keyzerlinga N.I.Koksharova was associated with geology of the area.

In the years 1853-1855 the French engineer, founder of industrial sociology Frederick Le Play together with Bergier and Allori was compiled geological map of the district of Nizhny Tagil, the first for possessional factories in the Urals. He engaged in the study of Le Play and metallurgical processes in order to save charcoal.

In December 1853 in Nizhny Tagil Iron and profits father and son Nordsheldy (Nils Gustaf and Nils Adolf Erik), senior conducted experiments on copper ore enrichment plant at Vyisky, Jr. engaged in gathering a collection of minerals district. They made several discoveries: in a gold-platinum placers Bobrovka River near Elizabethan opened "Deman", which is a facet of his game is not inferior to the green diamonds. On Mednorudyanskom mine discovered a new mineral, which was named in honor of Anatoly Demidov "Demidov" (the name has been preserved since the find was a kind of "chrysocolla" mineral).

In 1871, at the invitation of Demidov in Nizhniy Tagil the plant worked Polish engineer Vincent Franzevich Sapalsky, who created and headed the geological department (the first on the Demidov plants), engaged in ore and geological research, in 1867, opened a deposit of manganese ores and red marble (now Sapalskogo mine) .

In 1899 Nizhnetagilskij visits Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev headed Ural expedition with the purpose of the audit of the factory business in the Urals, determine the prospects for mining, metallurgy and timber industries.

In 1904-1905 under the guidance of an outstanding geologist Nicholas Roerich Vysotsky conducted topographical and geological survey Chernoistochinsk cottages Nizhny Tagil mining district - the main area of ​​production of platinum.

Academician Alexander Fersman in 1912-1921 years studying semi-precious stones Murzinka

In 1920-1937 years of the geological service Vysokogorsky mine led Ippolitovich Vladislav Stankevich. Under his leadership, made the first calculation of ore reserves and Lebyazhye Vysokogorsky deposits, which played an important role in the construction of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant.

August 3, 1937 in Nizhny Tagil passed HU11 International Geological Congress, which brought together more than a hundred people (55 representatives of 22 countries)

In various years in the region of Nizhny Tagil worked archaeological and geological expeditions, including those under the leadership of O.Badera known geologist Markovski, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Nizhniy Tagil socio-pedagogical academy Yu.Serikova.

In post-revolutionary and post-war years "closed" Nizhny Tagil visited Lunacharsky, Ordzhonikidze, Kalinin, Malyshev, President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, in the post-reform period in Nizhny Tagil visited Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Patriarch of All Russia Alexy, Prime -Minister Medvedev, Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin and others. Visits of their mainly carried familiarization character.


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