The status of the city. The administration of government.

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Nizhny Tagil metallurgical settlement, "the whole city", which has been repeatedly pointed out his guests. He stood out among the other settlements Verkhotursky special autonomy. "He has not done the city, - said Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleyev - probably for the reason that is in possession of the kind of possessional Demidov, and the city would have the device even more confused and complicated the already confused the relationship between the owners and residents of penalty ". In the pre-reform period the factory village geographically divided into five rural communities, coinciding with parishes: Vyisky, Nicholas (Viya), Trinity (Keys), enters Jerusalem (center), Alexander Nevsky (Galyanka). All rural communities were parish, which had at the end of 1 century "in a circle of more than 20 vents and 30 thousand inhabitants." On January 1, 1883 Nizhnetagilskij included three Parish: Vyisky-Nikolskaya, Trinity-Alexandrov and enters Jerusalem. They were living 40,500 people and was almost three thousand households, in which the economy - 3726 head of horses, 6091 - cattle, and 2273 - small ruminants.

Each parish was led by the parish council, and township heads, and all questions were decided on the township board, court and at the gathering. The executive functions of the mining village township authorities were basically the same as in any rural area. And yet the basic control functions Tagil plants lying on the administrations of the plants has a significant influence on the political, economic and cultural life of the mining village.

It should be noted that in the first half of Nizhny Tagil 1 century was the site of a well-developed infrastructure at the time, and was at the level of the school, and medical business, here there was something that was not in many of the settlements and the province of Perm, and Verkhoturye County.

Prior to the February (1917) Revolution two libraries worked in a small village, 32 educational institutions were opened railway school, Vyisky craft class mfu school received the status of secondary technical training with the right specialization engineers. In Nizhnetagilskij before the revolution was carried out free health care of almost all the inhabitants of the village, acted clearly-established and efficient service Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, on the initiative of a remarkable physician-scientist P.V.Rudanovskogo conducted annual surveys of sanitary and demographic processes. Over 30 years in the village were open seven paramedical stations, opened in 1884 built on the surgeon plan P.V.Kuznetskogo hospital with medical, surgical and maternity wards, with the church, with apartments for doctors (a town hospital), while Demidov hospital worked paramedic school. Successfully solve other problems.

The transfer of power to the Soviets in Nizhny Tagil Gornozavodsk settlement occurred in January 1918, when the majority of the deputies took the Bolshevik position. Chairman of the Board of the Nizhny Tagil first Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies became Dmitri Dobrynin. A little more than three weeks, he has held the position. Taking the blame for the shooting of Red Guards during the unrest due to shortages of bread (one worker was killed and three were wounded), he committed suicide. Chairman shall be elected by Dmitry Petrov-Alenkritovich Mukhin, during the presidency of which were nationalized Lunёvsky and Nizhny Tagil mining district set up business advice business.

Civil War temporarily halted the formation of the Soviet authorities. Only after the liberation of the village Soviets activity revives. August 20, 1919 Nizhny Tagil factory village transformed into a city of Nizhny Tagil. On April 8, 1920 Nizhny Tagil became a district town. County, city executive committee ruled not only the urban area, and 22 parishes Yekaterinburg province. In 1923, the city and its neighborhood (up to two vents) to work 11 state-owned enterprises, for their needs 138 rooms, many operated cooperative and private institutions (they occupied 160 rooms, 200 warehouses, stables and barns 9160) was employed. The city had 73 streets, 15 313 ​​buildings, 1513 landholdings, 7416 apartments, 39 retail outlets worked. But his was not the city government. Nizhny Tagil City Council is a representative body.

From November 1923 Administrative value Nizhny Tagil even more increased, it became the center of Nizhny Tagil District, composed of the Alapaevsk, Verkhoturye, Kushva, Nadezhdinsk (Serov), and 15 districts: Alapaevsky, Verkhotursky, hang-Shaitansky, Ivdelsky, Kushvinsky, Kynovsky, Kytlymsky, Mahnёvsky, Nadezhda, Nizhneturinsky, Novolyalinsky, Petrokamensky, Salda, Sosva, suburban Tagil).

Despite the fact that the city budget was part of the county first, then the district that did not allow to fully protect the interests of tagilchan done a lot in the city. In the years 1926-1930 has been developed plan to build and beautification of the city, most of the roads repaired, built the stadium and cinema Galyanke, put into operation a brick factory, opened Nizhnetagilskij evening working university began installing radio sets. But the most important event of this period was the release of the decision of the CPSU (b) of 15 May 1929 "On the work Uralmet", which provided for the construction of the new Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant with all process stages of production.

In connection with the liquidation in 1931 districts Nizhny Tagil became an independent administrative units (it Antonovskii plant were transferred Balakinsky, Gorbunovsky, Laysky, Nicholas Pawlowski, Pokrovsky village councils, but in the city limits included they were not). In the next decade from a provincial town turned into an industrial: Uralvagonzavod entered into operation, torfohimichesky (future "Uralchimplast), refractory, coke-chemical, medical and instrumentation plants, two blast furnaces, steel plant CHP, bakery. The population of the city at the expense of visitors has tripled, there were 160 thousand people in 1940. Build schools (more than ten), baths, a hospital, a bridge across the river Tagil, opened teachers' institute, Pioneer House, sanitary epidemic station.

For the first time in its history, the city has received independence. In connection with its growth there is a need of intra-administrative-territorial division. The first officially issued in 1933, the area of ​​new buildings was renamed in 1934 in Uralvagonstroya area (from July 19, 1936 - Dzerzhinsky) in connection with the release of its composition Tagilstroya area.

In the spring of 1936 in Nizhny Tagil it was five urban areas (in March created Rudny, and on April 27 - and Stalin Lenninsky). Stalin became the central district of Nizhny Tagil, Lenin and included 19 rural councils, its modern area has developed by 1938 (the process of its final formation lasted until 1981). It was in 1981 part of the territory of the Leninsky district was included in the Tagilstroevskogo within the boundaries of the east from the street on the western shore of Upper Tagil pond and to Murinsky ponds; from the north - from highway Chernoistochinsk Druzhinin the street, down the street to the Upper Tagil pond; from the south - along the northern shore Murinsky Chernoistochinsk ponds to the highway (excluding construction village Gorbunovo); from the west - on the road from the village Chernoistochinsk Gorbunovo to Druzhinin streets. This was done in connection with the buildings Tagil Metallurgical Combine, located in Tagilstroevskom area, the vast array, called Gagliano Gorbunov.

By the end of the 80s Nizhny Tagil became a powerful industrial center with a population of more than four hundred thousand people, belongs to the thirty-first Soviet cities in terms of population and industrial capacity. In 1989, for the first time on an alternative basis the City Council was elected. April 2, 1990 at the first session of the City Council HH1 convocation Council Chairman Valery Cherdyntsev was elected as chairman of the executive committee was Nikolai N. Didenko. November 27, 1991 The 8th session of the City Council HH1 convocation elected Small Council (18 members) - a prototype of the future Duma. Chairman of the Small Council was elected Leonid Zadorin. In place of the executive committees of local authorities came. December 6, 1991 the head of the city administration began N.N.Didenko. April 10, 1994 City Council consisting of 18 persons was elected in Nizhny Tagil. In December 1995, we have been the direct election of the Mayor. The first popularly elected Head was Nikolai N. Didenko. December 8, 1995 Regional Department of Justice has approved the Charter of the city Nizhny Tagil, in addition to have the description of the coat of arms of Nizhny Tagil. June 27, 2006 decision of the Nizhny Tagil City Council approved the city drawing flag Nizhny Tagil in the multi-variant and its description.

City came out unscathed from a difficult situation in the early nineties of the last century, and overcame overcome crisis situations. City unlucky and lucky at the managers. The first Chairman of the Board though they were from the lower classes, illiterate, but turned out to be talented organizers, honest, decent, capable in difficult conditions to manage not only the city but also the county, and the county. Of the thirty-city leaders neither acknowledged his own impotence, was not taken aback, not overawed by the challenge. Many people after a successful operation were sent "to work in the provincial scale," held high executive positions. For example, a 28-year-old Nikolai Dygai though not for long was the chairman of the city council, but to go down in the history of Nizhny Tagil, which led him to the post of Minister of Union ministries, chairman of the Moscow City Council, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Tagilchane older generation remember the names of chairpersons and of the Council V.K.Nalivaya, Ya.A.Cheremnyh, N.A.Talalaeva, N.P.Smirnova, V.I.Aleynikova, VA Cherdyntseva, during which the city acquired traits a large industrial center.

Every time their complexity, their problems. Naumovic Nikolai Didenko, chairman of the executive committee, the head of administration of Nizhny Tagil, the first popularly elected head of the city went to the era of rapid change in the political, economic and social life of the country and the city. He brought forth the Nizhny Tagil of the most difficult situations with the least losses, the city developed and was developed system of local self-government system of efficient management. To keep the majority of the industrial enterprises. Nikolai N. initiated the complex programmatic approach to solving urban problems (in effect until 40 programs, among them the Federal program on improvement of the environment and the population of the city Nizhny Tagil, which played a huge role in the dramatic improvement of ecological situation in Nizhny Tagil).

Elected in 2012, the head of the city Sergej Nosov, supported by more than 90 percent of voters in the two years in many positions moved the city forward.

Today, within the boundaries of Nizhny Tagil, in addition to urban areas are settlements: the village of baronial, Nina, Zaharovka, Lower Oslyanka, Ust-Duck, villages Antonovskii, Baklushina, Ditch, hang-Utkinsky, Volchёvka, Evstyuniha, Ekva, dammed, Pokrovskoye-1, The cold, Tana, Uralets, Upper Oslyanka, villages Elizabethan, Sulem, Serebryanka, annexed to the city in a survey of their inhabitants.

The population in 2014 was 360,700. In Nizhny Tagil are representatives of 83 nationalities: Russian - 317.4 thousand, Tatars - 6.8 thousand Ukrainians - 3.1, Azerbaijanis - 2.1, the Germans - 1.7, Bashkirs - 1.4, -1.1 thousand Belarusians/


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