Nizhny Tagil - a city of culture, education and sport

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Culture and education can rightfully be called, to paraphrase the poet, twins. They always go together side by side, complementing each other. That's symbiosis of Education and Culture has identified the establishment and development of mining civilization and transformed the Nizhny Tagil factory village into a major industrial city, occupying a leading position in Russian industry.

In 2009, the educational community of the city noted trёhsotletie Tagil education. The date of birth was the opening of the school Tagil tsifirnoy Demidov Nevyansk school, translated into Nizhnetagilskij. At its core was formed first Vyisky school, and later - Mining and Metallurgical College. So Nizhny Tagil ironworks only thought, but tsifirnoy school has taught children the sciences.

With the transfer tsifirnoy schools in the mining settlement at the offices of the factory began to methodically and purposefully taught to read and write "clear servant-children." The practice of students have passed in the factory. In 1806, the first factory-gated School was established on the basis of tsifirnoy school chetyrёhklassnoe Vyisky factory school. Learning it it was closely linked with the development of students' technology factory production.

By the early thirties, 1 century, with the advent of steam engines, the dark beyond the power of common people have become "news." This was the impetus for the opening of the first schools for workers' children. As you can see, the engine Cherepanov brought people out of the darkness. In the village were discovered parish and parish school (one-class and two-class). A total of 9 schools opened, eight of them factory, which differed from the parish that had a special meaning. For example, a women's college Anatolevskoe preparing employees for factories Demidov wives "with education and the concepts inherent in the situation of their husbands."

Since 1882 educational institutions became head of the board of trustees, the railway school was opened in 1897. In the middle of the 1 century Tagil education system has undergone more than one conversion, changed and the number of educational institutions. Thus, only five left in 1864 from twenty-three schools. The situation in fact corrected Tagil school district council. By 1917, the factory in a small village, there were 32 educational institutions and literacy among adolescent workers accounted for sixty percent.

1917-1920 years. Collapsed great empire, raged World and fratricidal civil war. But life went on as usual, the educational process is not stopped, and, paradoxically, educational opportunities even increased: the evacuation during World War I and the Civil War boosted the city's population of western regions were taken Liubavskii women's gymnasium and the second Lviv primary school in the city there was Russian-Tatar school. It was at this time to start laying the foundations of a new education system, which has become in the next decade, the world's best. The new government has created the image of the new school. In July 1921 at the Nizhny Tagil factory are the first schools, trade schools. In 1930, with the construction of the giant plants Nizhny Tagil became solve issues of upbringing of literate workers. By FZU added FDD (factory-plant ten-year) and Terminals (factory and shop seven-year period).

By the early 1930s, school enrollment was 85 per cent of children are covered. building school number 5 was built just a few years old, 6, 11, 18, 23, 32, 33, 39, 40 (70). By the fifteenth anniversary of the October Tagil education system includes 19 schools of the first stage, 23 schools Terminals, 6 colleges (Mining and Metallurgy, Vysokogorsky mechanical, fire, engineering technical, pedagogical and medical schools), Evening Building Institute, Evening worker university third sanbakinstitut Urals. In 1932, at the desks sat 15,000 children. In 1934 abolished the name and FDD Terminals, school term came into use again. From now on, city schools are divided into primary, seven-year and ten-year.

In 1939 he opened the first classical college - Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical Institute, in 1952 the Pedagogical Institute, renamed in 2008 in Nizhny Tagil Iron and socio-pedagogical academy. In 1944 opens Industrial Institute, which began to teach mathematics a future scholar with a worldwide reputation Boris Rauschenbach; the first in the city sports school; 1945 - School of Industrial Art. In the years 1949-1952 opened Construction College and six vocational schools.

Sharply in the accumulation of their intellectual potential the city has moved into the 1956 - 1974 years and became known far beyond the country. Already in the mid-sixties in the city began to be observed deviation from a single type of secondary school, there are special schools. The first such institution was the school 3№ 32 with in-depth study of the German language (1957 (and since 1965 in depth to learn English at school began to number 5. The nineties of the twentieth century, characterized by the most active specialization of educational institutions.

Today, the city education system includes 64 educational institutions (two primary and two primary schools, 60 secondary schools (two with in-depth study of foreign languages, three gymnasiums, two of the Lyceum, a school-kindergarten), 79 pre-school institutions, 16 institutions of additional education two of the Palace and the two Houses of children and teenagers, two young tourists the station, the station of young naturalists, artistic-aesthetic school, two children's and youth sports schools, camps and six suburban municipal institution "Children's health Center" Star. "

In schools, there are more than one hundred and computer classes, more than 250 interactive whiteboards, about five thousand of multimedia projects. In half of the schools to innovate (work on 50 topics). The peculiarity of this work in the city famous craftsmen and artisans, famous inventors engineers that bias them toward polytechnical made.

Subject innovation Tagil educational institutions is vividly reflected in the annual exhibitions of technical and decorative creativity of children and young students.

To improve their professional and educational level of young people in Tagil there are all conditions: three universities, nine branches of high schools, 14 secondary educational institutions.

High educational image of Nizhny Tagil. From its walls there were many famous people. Among them, the youngest Nobel laureate, a graduate of lyceum № 39 Konstantin Novoselov, who after receiving the award said: "I am grateful to my physics teacher, Lyudmila Sergeyevna Rastorgueva because it strengthened my interest in scientific research. All experimental skills I got in school. " Tagil school completed PhD, a professor at Princeton and the University of Michigan, a great poet, translator, author of many books Kazakova Tamara; Boris Levantovich famous musician, author of method instilling children musical intelligence Willi Brainin, film director Valery Ogorodnikov and hundreds of others.

The whole life of Nizhny Tagil, at least for two centuries, lined up around the old Demidov factory. He defined and Tagil'tsev way of life, later called "the mining culture." This amazingly durable alloy, but not resulting in the crucible Tagil domain. This fusion of traditions, rituals, customs, people, once brought back to this place from different provinces of boundless Russia.

Natives of Kerzhensky parish of Nizhny Novgorod region (Old Believers) formed the basis of the first settlers (even today in the Keys, the site of their mass resettlement in Nizhny Tagil village, you can find old-Old Believer, who at the request of "Treat water of ..." a friendly will make the water, but the cup and then throw in waste), mainly on the time in the living people workman - miners and workers descendant of Tula. Working Galyanka occurred in the first third of the 1 century during the resettlement of peasants from Ukraine and central Russia. Coming from different provinces, settlers brought with them even if similar, but still different cultural traditions, customs, production skills. Interacting with each other, and local people in the new conditions they and formed its own special culture. In Nizhny Tagil much longer as Mamin-Siberian wrote "Demidov man rooted to the place of the existing order" than in other industrial centers. Hold patriarchal customs and traditions in their rural version. "Skit", Vyachorka, sitting left of life tagilchan in the 50 years of the twentieth century. Special character wore folk festivals in the feast day. In the calendar holidays and ceremonies patron saint gradually invaded elements of "urban walks" (sale of sweets, the repertoire of songs, dances). Since the end of 1 century increasingly significant impact on the culture and life of tagilchan has intelligentsia and the working elite. Create a variety of society, workers and merchants open clubs that have contributed to the growth of the mining culture of the population. A special role was assigned to amateur circles - theater, music, tagilchan attaches to art and education. In 1862 the factory began to operate an amateur theater. Against the backdrop of the cultural life of the theater stood the factory and the factory club employees, in which continuously-operating amateur orchestra was created. In early 1900 he was replaced by "orchestra score of music." At the same time we were in the village of balalaika orchestras and brass. In the early twentieth century on the key Galyanke, Vye appeared the so-called workers' clubs. After the February revolution in the theater room of the factory is located the People's House, whose activities contribute to the expansion of the working memories. Still a major role, as now, played a library. First in the village can be considered the library Vyisky school. Open the factory library in 1836 at the direction of Pavel Nikolayevich Demidov planned in 1836. But to realize this idea was only in 1854, his younger brother Paul - Anatolia (allocated 400 silver rubles a year for periodicals and 200 rubles for issuing of books). The first librarian was appointed as a mining engineer, a French citizen of Leon A. Weier. And his assistant Adolph M. Yanushkevich. By 1917, there were two libraries (school and factory, which was 17 thousand books funds) in the village. Today in Nizhny Tagil, 160 libraries, 29 of which have the status of a municipal institution. The total library fund over five million books, 200 thousand tagilchan are their readers. After the Civil War began a new page in the history Tagil theater, developing amateur theater culture: the Board of Education organized a circle of Dramatic Art - group "Ensemble", groups with clubs "Metallist" and the railroad, "propaganda art" deploy teams of "Blue Bird" "Living newspaper" and the Theatre of working youth. In 1940 in Nizhny Tagil Serov translated Playhouse. In October 1943 came the Leningrad theater artists who took part in the creation of Nizhny Tagil theater. He opened May 8, 1946 play "Optimistic Tragedy". In 1955, for the Drama Theatre was built a new building, and the staff named D.N.Mamina Sibiryaka. May 17, 1944 began operations puppet theater. The first theatrical season began with the incident. At the premiere performance of "The Princess and the swineherd," based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen did not come to any spectator, but was hung with posters of the entire city. And then as spectators invited children from the street. After a few hours of a new theater already knew the whole city. The next performance was not enough tickets. In 1969 the theater received a new building with a cozy hall with 250 seats. Theatre and has toured constantly. Youth Municipal Theatre - the youngest theater company - the main attraction and pride of Dzerzhinsky district. Theatre is popular with theatergoers, his team winner of the Fifth All-Russian festival of Russian theaters in small towns. Youth theater can be rightfully called a theater director V.D.Veyde, who is also a senior lecturer of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the state of socio-pedagogical academy. For many will be a revelation that in Nizhny Tagil had their ballet theaters (in DC and DC UVZ NTMK), whose fame far beyond the boundaries of Nizhny Tagil. In the 1990s, the city blooms amateur theater. Among the most striking - a children's theater studio "The Mirror". Youth theater-studio "Sovremennik" theater-studio "You!", three Francophone Theatre (in Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy, gymnasium № 18, polytechnic grammar school). Musical life in Nizhny Tagil has its origins in the late 1 century, thanks to the work Vyisky factory school, where educated versatile educated professionals (they were taught not only technical skills but also taught drawing, music, singing, playing musical instruments. In 1902, of students gornozavodskogo school brass band was organized at the same time and a string (one of the first orchestras in the Russian province). Glory in the city mixed singing choir of students of a girls' school and the mining school. Tagil has always been rich in talent, especially young talent. in the Lower Tagil born Russian pop open a children's television competition "The Golden Cockerel" Nizhny Tagil - a real Klondike poets and songwriters, composers writing for children:. V.Rukavishnikov, A.Treskov, S.Vedernikov, Popov, N.Beletsky and others. modern musical culture adequately represented and presents the work of composers R.A.Fedoseeva, V.G.Trapeznikova, MI and B.I.Sorokinyh. In 1958, the city opened a music school, which came out of the walls of Professor Academy Schnittke M.Kuritsky, B.Levantovich concert pianist, soloist opera houses I.Naumova, L.Obuhova, Professor, Doctor of Arts B.Borodin, lead singer of the German Film Orchestra N.Istomin, lead singer Galina Vishnevskaya opera art center A.Privoznova, soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre E.Muravёva and others. pride school (now college of art) are teachers (current and former) A.H.Revinzon, L, W, Smelyanskaya A, A, Vlasov, symphonic and chamber orchestras, folk orchestra, choir akademichesmky. There in the city and Philharmonic (the only one of its kind, since it is located in the city, is neither the capital nor the regional center) with the creative teams, as "Tagil harmonics" (only in Russian Philharmonic Orchestra harmonics); Orchestra "Demidov, Camerata"; brass band pop-jazz music; chamber ensemble «Art mobile», piano trio «Bon Ton», string quintet "Accent". The Museum of Fine Arts held philharmonic concerts of organ music.

Nizhny Tagil - a city of museums. Demidov "Muzeum of Natural History and Antiquities" (now Nizhny Tagil Museum "Gornozavodsk Ural", which is composed of nine museums, rasprolozhennyh in Nizhny Tagil and beyond - It is one of the first provincial museums in Russia in the factory settlement was founded in 1840 ). At the center of this complex two oldest object the museum: museum of local history and a unique industrial monument - Plant Museum. In the historical part of the city is located ethnographic complex, which includes a museum of everyday life and crafts and history museum podnosnogo fishing - old paint fishing in Russia. . The complex includes two literary museum (D.N.Mamina Sibiryaka and A.P.Bondina), Historical and Technical Museum "House Cherepanovs", etc. The pride of the museum-reserve are two musical collective - an ensemble of folk instruments "Ryabinka" On behalf of the .D.Popova and folklore ensemble "Soloveiko".

February 27, 2004 the museum was opened on the memory of soldiers who died in local wars. He joins a group of branch museums - such as a museum and exhibition center and a museum of military glory Evraz NTMK; Museum, and the Museum of armored vehicles of NPK "Uralvagonzavod"; Museum of Mining and Metallurgical College; Museum of Education and 67 school museums ...

Artistic life of the city - it is, above all, the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts. September 30, 1944 a large traveling exhibition "Ural - Blacksmith" opened an art gallery, renamed in 1946 in the Museum of Fine Arts. The basis of his collection served as exhibit 74, transferred from the Office of the Arts at SNK of the RSFSR, the State Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery. Today Arts Museum has many pieces that are unique in the history of art in his collection, there are nine thousand works of various genres: portraits V.Borovikovskogo, V.Tropinin, I.Kramskoy, Repin; landscapes N.Chernetsova, A. Savrasov, Levitan, I.Shishkin And Aivazovsky; historical paintings and V.Hudoyarova A.Ryabushkina; works E.Lancere, Z.Serebryakovoy, Shemyakin, I. Grabar, I.Korovina; the work of Italian Renaissance artists, including "The Holy Family" (better known as "Tagil Madonna") Raphael brushes; 28 works of painting, 40 sheets of graphs Paul Golubyatnikova Roerich, a student and friend I.S.Petrova-Vodkin, left the siege of Leningrad in 1942.

In Nizhny Tagil two art schools, two schools of arts department, a branch of the famous "Stroganov" (Ural College of Applied Arts), and the graphic arts department Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. "Phenomenon" Tagil art school - it is a merit of metropolitan artists who were evacuated during the war in Nizhny Tagil. Nizhny Tagil branch of Russian artists - one of the largest in the Urals, it includes 89 members.

Paradoxically, but Tagil earth, judging by the popularity, more favorable to the engineers and technicians. Besides singer Urals Mamin-Sibiryak, about other poets and writers of the pre-revolutionary Tagil little is known. But Sochin Itel were.

In Nizhny Tagil in different years worked famous minstrel Kirsch Danilov; Leo Ibragimov, a few poems which included in the collection "Songs and Romances of Russian poets"; first working poet Vasily Smolnikov Urals; famous Futurist poet Vasily Kamensky. In 1920, over Tagil risen A.P.Bondina literary star, first in the city of a professional writer. From the pre-war writers should allocate Leonid Vilkomir. For the first time in the late thirties published their poems Stepan Chernykh, Herman Zanadvorov. In the postwar years Tagil writers who are in association with the literary newspaper "Tagil Worker", and write a lot of interesting. Voices Tagil poets Nikolai Markin and Michael Sozinova, Vadim Pichugin Vladimir Khain, multi-genre writer Vladimir Pechyonkin gaining strength.

Destiny Tagil not all writers who started the way in Nizhny Tagil literary association, evolved differently. Great poet Anatoly Wheat in 1978 was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Academy, now lives in Moscow, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the board of the Moscow Writers' Organization. At various times from Nizhny Tagil left Viktor Koltsov, Vladimir Dementiev, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Vladimir Tubolev, Vitaliy Borisov, Tamara Kazakova, Eugene Turenko.

Poetry and prose found today finds many of our countrymen. Vladimir Chugunov, Irina Karenina, Black Elena, Elena Ionov, Anastasia Zhuravleva - an example of a high literary and skill and talent. Nizhny Tagil today can be proud of the poet, a member of the Russian Writers' Union, the author of nine books of poetry, initiated the establishment of the center in the town of Bulat Okudzhava, one of the leaders of Literary Studio "Steps" Vasily Ovsepyanom and talented writer, author of many books Boris Nikolayevich Telkova.

The very first medical facility in Nizhny Tagil is approaching its 250th anniversary (August 17, 1767 - the date of birth of the hospital). The hospital, located in a small wooden house, there was a hospice, where artisans maimed people were gathered. Only half a century later, in 1829, a stone building was built, and since that time the hospital has become one of the largest medical facilities in the Urals. In the first half of the 1 century it served the entire population of the district of Nizhny Tagil. There were graduates. But thanks to the medical service came later, with the arrival in the doctor Nizhnetagilskij generalist Peter Rudanovskogo and surgeon Peter Kuznetsk. It is thanks to them Nizhnetagilskij became advanced in the field of health care. Before the revolution in the village worked Nizhnetagilskij hospital and hospital complex at the high, built on the initiative of Peter Kuznetsk.

In the frenzy of class struggles (the Civil War), the hospital was looted. When the chief doctor and A.P.Benediktovoy V.A.Lyapustine hospital recovering, but she was completely put in order arrived in 1922, a young doctor S.A.Botashevym, who became the founder Tagil surgery. Under his wing grew famous surgeons L.Velikanov, V.Dyatlova, T.Nikolaev, Anna Pavlova. At the same time she worked as a diagnostician, L.Ivanov surgeon who made the city a specialized ophthalmologic service. His experience, scientific research and scientists interested prominent surgical ophthalmologist. Many strongly recommended him to defend his thesis, to which he replied: "I would not pass the exam on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, I do not understand this very science, do not take." During these years, he worked in the city and future MD, scientist Aleksey Vasilevich Pshenichnov, who led the Third bakinstitut Urals, the author of a number of methods of treatment of infectious diseases included in the medical encyclopedia.

Luminary of the first magnitude was Konstantin Vasilievich Guskov, the organizer in the city of obstetric services. A great contribution to the development of medicine Tagil made a founder of medical T.Grasmik dynasty L.Kiparisova, A.Stern, A.Zyablintsev, N.Osnovina, N.Babich, v.Pertseva dynasty Furmanova doctors and others.

city ​​health picture make significant six city hospitals, two dental clinics, the center of "artificial kidney", Railway Hospital, Centre joint medicine and dozens of municipal and private medical institutions.

Sport and work next to go. This slogans sounded for the first time in Nizhny Tagil in the early twentieth century. It was at this time a member of a sports society "Sokol" in the hall A.V.Markin chetyrёhklassnogo city school once a week with the guys doing marching, exercises on the rings and trapeze. His sister Nina taught the girls the basics of gymnastics.

In 1917, Victor Botashev organized in the village club "Sanitas", in which children were engaged in the rise of weights, wrestling and boxing. In 1920 Gaёvy brothers on the instructions of the district recruiting office opened a sports club (lifting weights). By the way, the first six bars the city has acquired only in 1926.

In 1928, the first in the city stadium, in 1932 there were two ice rink in the center of town and on high, in 1933 at the site of the club "Metalist" open ski lodge was built. "August 28, 1928 the stadium hosted the first international meeting - played football Lyon French and Nizhny Tagil.

After the war, the number of sports facilities and masters of sports has increased dramatically. Today in Nizhny Tagil are 12 sports clubs, 14 youth sports schools, educational establishment with a sports bias, services tagilchan 22 stadiums, sports complexes, eight, six swimming pools. 12 tagilchan were participants in the Olympic Games, 28 in the past two decades - now wear the title of world champions in various sports.

Nizhniy Tagil in certain periods has been a trendsetter in the Urals in various sports. For example, "... the sixties and seventies of last century, characterized by the growth of the series fans legkoatletiki and a significant increase in the level of sporting achievements, both in Sverdlovsk, and in other cities. But especially in Nizhny Tagil - he wrote the head coach of the Sverdlovsk region VF Piontek in its handbook "Queen of Sports" in the Middle Urals "- Athletes of Nizhny Tagil in the mid-sixties were a formidable force not only in the field. For one only in 1965 the coaches of the two clubs this city "Sputnik" and "Uralets" prepared five masters of sports and coaches Sverdlovsk four clubs - seven. In the same year, athletes Nizhny Tagil established five records of the Sverdlovsk region, of which Mary Gamanovoy result in the race was the record of the RSFSR on the 400 meters. " It should be noted that in those years became the first master of sports A.P.Evdokimov, the first master of international class - A.Terentev, first honored coach of Russia - V.A.Levin and G.V.Zhiltsov, champions of Russia - Lyudmila Kuznetsova, Leopold Anischenko, six-time champion of the USSR - Georgy Chernyshov, for many years head of the national team of the country, and others. And today, "Sputnik" and "Ural" athletes leading clubs have shown good results (world champions Krasnomovets, Forsch, Savinova, etc.). In recent years, progress has been wrestling wrestling types sporta.V sections grew more than twenty high-class athletes, six of which have the title of world champions, Europe, Russia.

Nizhny Tagil on sports-media work and the preparation of athletes included in the top twenty cities of Russia. Every year the city hosts more than a thousand sports facilities, city and regional relay race, cross, ski competitions. Traditional in Nizhny Tagil was the holding of the All-Russia tournament on prize Tarasova (Greco-Roman wrestling); D.Turzhevskogo (judo); Yuri Batukhtin (boxing); vagonsky marathon name Evdokimov ;, "Ski Track of Russia" traditional races; "Tagil snowflake"; All-Russian Student Games; Victory Cup on shooting from combat weapon; streetball tournament and others. Every year the City Day, which coincides with the Day of sporty, athletes open the program of this festival with their bright performances at the city stadium.


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